Everything You Need To Know About The Benefits And Procedure Of Colon Hydrotherapy

Colon hydrotherapy, sometimes referred to as colonic irrigation or cleansing, is a method of eliminating waste from the large intestine through the use of water.

The large intestine, or colon, takes in water and minerals from waste products that have passed through the body.

The remainder passes through the rectum and anus, where bacteria in the colon break it down.

Benefits Of Colon Hydrotherapy

1.Reduces the risk of colon cancer:

Colon hydrotherapy can lower your risk of developing polyps, cysts, and malignant growths in your gastrointestinal tract. Every day toxins enter our bodies through our skin and are subsequently broken down by the liver, kidneys, and gastrointestinal tract. These poisons are forced out of your organs by colon hydrotherapy before they have a chance to harm internal bodily systems.

2.Enhanced digestion:

Constipation reduces energy and weakens the immune system by making it more difficult for the body to absorb vital nutrients. Colon hydrotherapy helps your body acquire the nutrients it needs to flourish by moving undigested waste through your system.

3.Reduces Constipation:

Embrace the languid sensation of constipation! Colon hydrotherapy reduces the risk of various problems including haemorrhoids and varicose veins as well as the sluggish digestive reaction that comes with constipation.

4.Improves mood:

Did you realise that mood can be impacted by your colon? Appetite management, sleep, brain processing, and hormonal balance all depend on a healthy colon. The communication between the brain and the intestinal nerves affects the chemical signals that the central nervous system sends throughout the body.

5.Aids in weight-loss:

Before being digested, the average colonic irrigation can contain the equivalent of eight meals. Consuming low-fiber foods results in an overabundance of mucus that clings to the intestinal walls of the body and eventually decomposes into faeces. These lingering low-fiber foods are evacuated from your system during a colon cleansing, which can occasionally result in noticeable weight reduction. Colon hydrotherapy not only has the potential to reduce weight but also speed up metabolism.

6.Increases Energy:

Colon hydrotherapy patients report increased vitality, better blood circulation, and deeper, more peaceful sleep. It feels incredibly rejuvenating to rid the body of pollutants; energy that would otherwise be expended pushing waste through the intestines is diverted to other parts of the body.

7.Enhances the Body’s Absorption of Vitamins and Minerals :

By cleaning out the digestive system, colon hydrotherapy facilitates the absorption of water, vitamins, and other essential elements into the circulation, allowing the body to get these vital nutrients.

8.Gives Clearer skin:

Toxins that are hidden in your gut make their way into your bloodstream and out of your skin pores. As a farewell present, these pollutants block pores, resulting in a variety of acne types. Toxins are removed via colonic irrigation before they may show up on the skin, leaving it clearer and healthier.

9.Greater Focus:

A toxic body makes it difficult to concentrate and stay focused. The digestive system absorbs nutrients and nourishes nerve cells when it functions properly. Stress reduction, clear thinking, and balanced emotions are all made possible by colon hydrotherapy!

Procedure: How Colon Hydrotherapy Is Done:

  • Colonic cleansing entails passing a device’s nozzle into the rectum in order to irrigate the colon with water.
  • The entire process typically takes forty-five minutes, and one can regulate the water’s temperature and pressure.
  • The bowel moves about sixteen gallons of water, some of which may contain coffee or herbal infusions. There is little to no evidence to support the claims that these provide extra benefits.
  • Unlike an enema, modern colonic hydrotherapy empties out the entire large intestine, according to studies.

At Inan, we believe in a whole-body approach to Healthcare. Focusing on the 6 pillars of health – Food, Exercise, Sleep, Mind, Detox and Nutrition, we leave no stone unturned in helping you to a holistic and rejuvenated tomorrow.

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At Inan, we believe in a whole-body approach to Healthcare. Focusing on the 6 pillars of health – Food, Exercise, Sleep, Mind, Detox and Nutrition, we leave no stone unturned in helping you to a holistic and rejuvenated tomorrow.

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